Hello! I'm Celesta and I do GPOSE commissions in FFXIV! I enjoy taking pictures and I have been ever since I started playing in 2016!
With my commissions, I aim to please my customers as well as to improve my own creative skills in GPOSE. Thank you for taking the time to look around! If you wish to contact me about a commission, please send me a DM on Twitter or Discord!

ã…¤nameã…¤ celesta estheim
ã…¤ageã…¤ 31
ã…¤genderã…¤ female
ã…¤raceã…¤ keeper of the moon miqo'te
ã…¤birthplaceã…¤ gridania

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Commodo nulla facilisi nullam vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus vitae. Urna cursus eget nunc scelerisque viverra mauris in aliquam. Odio eu feugiat pretium nibh ipsum. Risus viverra adipiscing at in tellus integer feugiat scelerisque varius. Vitae sapien pellentesque habitant morbi. Habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames. Cras ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu felis. Gravida arcu ac tortor dignissim. Blandit aliquam etiam erat velit scelerisque in. Aenean pharetra magna ac placerat vestibulum lectus mauris. Phasellus vestibulum lorem sed risus ultricies. Rhoncus dolor purus non enim praesent elementum. Consectetur adipiscing elit duis tristique sollicitudin nibh sit. Tellus cras adipiscing enim eu turpis egestas pretium aenean. Cursus metus aliquam eleifend mi in nulla posuere. Sit amet volutpat consequat mauris nunc congue nisi.Praesent elementum facilisis leo vel fringilla est. Mi eget mauris pharetra et ultrices. Ut morbi tincidunt augue interdum. Feugiat pretium nibh ipsum consequat nisl vel pretium. Eget mauris pharetra et ultrices neque ornare aenean euismod. Sit amet nisl suscipit adipiscing bibendum est. Sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem. Quis commodo odio aenean sed. Sit amet justo donec enim. Tristique sollicitudin nibh sit amet commodo nulla facilisi nullam vehicula. Sem nulla pharetra diam sit amet nisl suscipit. Viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis nunc sed blandit. Nascetur ridiculus mus mauris vitae ultricies. In vitae turpis massa sed. Viverra nam libero justo laoreet sit. Viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis.

are you above the age of 18?

packagesafe for worknot safe for work
singles*300,000 gil400,000 gil
couples*600,000 gil800,000 gil
venues750,000 gil 

please note packages with this symbol * represent prices per pose.

Includes vanilla & custom poses.

I have the right to refuse any requests.All payments must be made up front before I start with the photos. After the session is done and pictures are delivered, please feel free to tip my Ko-fi. It's not mandatory in any way, but they are always appreciated and go a long way!
No refunds will be given by gil or money.
All discussions are done by discord. Also, all photos are delivered by Discord as a Google Drive. Please provide me your Discord username and make sure your DMs are set to open.If you are unhappy with your photo, please let me know, so I can retake it. I will send you pictures on Discord to give feedback. There will be no adjustments once photos are confirmed and sent off.For an easier time for both parties, you either have to send me your CMT/ANAM character data via DM or be available to meet me in-game, so I can get it myself.
Make sure that you are in the glamour that you want in your screens or have a list of exactly what you want (gear names, colors, etc.).
Commissions will be posted on my Twitter and/or placed in my carrd portfolio. If you want your screenshots to be private, let me know ahead of time.